Congratulations! Let’s Get Started!
MOST IMPORTANT! Check your email inbox now for an email from [email protected]. If you don’t see this email please check your spam folder. This will contain your next step which is to click on the confirmation link within the email. You will not be able to get the special materials for the course until you’re confirmed.
My name is Carley Hauck and I will be your guide and teacher as we explore living a fully nourished life in 2015.
Your course will begin with Class 1 on Thursday February 12th, 2015 at 5:30 -7:00pm Pacific. This first class will be for 90 minutes. Starting with Class 2, we will have LIVE classes on Thursdays for 75 minutes from 5:30-6:45pm Pacific. Visit the Course Orientation Page for more details about your class dates, recordings of LIVE classes, handouts, and expert interviews, and how best to participate in the course.